Hello loves! I recently threw a bridal shower for one of my best friends, Sammy Lunt, and I wanted to share with you all how amazingly-cute & perfect it turned out. The color scheme I decided on was pink, gold, and white. I had a ton of decor from my wedding that I knew would work perfectly for the shower, so that is where most of the decor came from. To plan the shower I literally sat on Pinterest for HOURS looking for food ideas, games to play, party favors, etc. Annnnd, I think it definitely all paid off. Pinterest is a life saver.... so many good ideas on there! Side note: when I am in charge of something... I literally go all out. I get it from my mama ;) I'll post all the pic's below and include details on how the shower played out! Hope you all enjoy!
xo, Maddy ♡
Cutest "Bride To Be" sign from Home Goods! |
Cutest idea I found on Pinterest! "Kisses for the future Mrs." Buy a cute note book (Home Goods has the cutest ones for cheap!), lay out some cute/bright lip sticks, and have each guest put lipstick on and kiss the book and write a little note for the bride! I also had them take a polaroid picture with the bride and tape it next to their kiss/note! |
Three games I found that were so much fun! 1) How well do you know the bride? - Questionnaire all about the bride, whoever gets the most right wins a prize! 2) Bridal shower price is right - buy about 10 household items (paper towels, a candle, all purpose cleaner, matches, toilet paper, etc.) . Show the items one by one and have the guests guess how much they think that item costs. Whoever comes closest to the total cost of everything all together wins a prize! AND... the bride get's all of the household items as a gift :) 3) Ring game - buy a bunch of plastic rings (I got mine from the dollar store!), have each guest take one upon arriving. If anyone says "bride" or "wedding" anytime throughout the shower, snatch the ring off of their finger! Whoever has the most rings at the end, wins a prize! |
Photo booth props from Home Goods! |
I had the best idea of making a photo booth backdrop out of wrapping paper! I found some cute wrapping paper at Target and literally taped it up on the wall! I then bought some cute fans (from Target) to add to it! |
Cutest idea from Pinterest... little salads in clear cups! I made the salads with mixed greens, strawberries, feta cheese, & used a vinaigrette dressing! |
Chicken salad from Costco! Winner winner chicken dinner! |
Cutest idea for veggies. Pour ranch in the bottom of the cup and stick all the veggies on top! YUM! |
Couldn't resist..... strawberry cheesecake from Costco!
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