Every year over Labor Day weekend, we take a trip up to the Pease Family Cabin! It was built a long time ago by my great-grandpa, and it's now a family tradition to go there with my mom's side of the family each year! It is a trip that I look forward to every single year. I grew up going there and have grown to love it so much.
Especially the fuzzy green carpet, the fireplace that you can hear mice running through, the bathroom rule of "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down", the sheep that walk through the field "baaaaa-ing" every morning, the rope swing that has broke 10+ times, the beautiful views, the hike down to the hole, the olympic games we play (ping pong, horse shoes, basketball, shooting, etc.), playing oh-heck & werewolves every day, sleeping in tents, eating the most amazing food + endless amounts of junk food and candy, and most importantly, the memories that are made there each and every year! It's even more fun now that I am married and can share the memories I've made there with Andrew as well as make new ones! I love family and I am so grateful that I was blessed with the most amazing family and extended family. We are all so close and have so much fun together. I truly don't know what I would do without the crazy Pease family in my life. This year at the cabin instead of hiking down the hole (a hike right down the hill from our cabin), we drove down the mountain and went to Kanarraville Falls in Cedar City. It was the most beautiful hike! You hike through water almost the entire time. It was fun to change things up a little bit and tryout a different hike. I definitely recommend it if you've never done it before! At the cabin, most of the parents have trailers that they stay in, and most of the kids stay in tents or sleep in the cabin (if you dare... that's when the mice come out hahaha). We lounge around, ride four wheelers, play games, go on walks/hikes, take naps, sit by the fire, and just enjoy the beautiful outdoors. It is always the most perfect temperature up there, not too hot and not too cold, just perfect! This year was my niece Ruby's first time at the cabin and she was such a little champ! 5 months old and sleeping all night in a cold tent! That's how it all begins at the cabin. This year was definitely one to remember & I already can't wait for next year.
xo, Maddy ♡
Cutest mom EVER. |
I have the funniest parents ever. |
The whole (missing some) fam-damily |
Grandpa Pease! |
This is how we close up the cabin :) |
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