It has been a minute since I've updated my blog with the rest of our Texas adventures, so prepare for a little bit of an overload for the next couple days! On July 9th, I turned 21! Wahoo! Finally legal and more of an adult... right? Well I have the sweetest husband who made sure I had the best birthday down in good ole Texas. On the night before my birthday, Andrew took me to dinner at the Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas. If you haven't heard of it, it is a restaurant that is 560 feet in the air and slowly rotates in a circle. So basically you can see the entire city for miles and miles. It was the coolest place that I have ever ate at. The food was pretty darn good, but the dessert... oh my goshhhhh. We were so full from dinner but couldn't resist ordering the chocolate molten cake. It was ooey gooey goodness.
On my birthday I woke up to my cute hubby and the prettiest flowers. What a sweetheart. He hates flowers cause he hates things that die (hahaha)... but he buys them anyway cause he knows I love them :) We then ate the yummiest breakfast at a place called Siena Cafe. Then he took us downtown to get manicures and pedicures. It was Andrews first mani and pedi and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen! The lady asked if he wanted his nails buffed and he didn't know what that meant so she did it anyway and his nails were seriously so shiny for the next 2 weeks. He hated it hahaha. Afterwards we went and shopped around at the North Park mall, ate at Torchy's Taco's, and then headed home! On the way home we stopped at the grocery store to buy ice cream and a donut for my birthday. When we got home the power was out cause there was a huge storm outside (what's new?). We had met a cute family in Texas and their power wasn't out, so they invited us to come over until we had power. We got over to their house and they were cooking us the yummiest dinner. After dinner we watched Eddie the Eagle (cutest movie ever!) and ate a whole tub of cookie dough ice cream. I'd say it was a pretty darn good birthday. I am so so blessed to have such an amazing husband, family, and friends!
P.S. sorry for all the low quality iphone pictures... my camera DIED and I of course left the charger in Utah... sad day.
xo, Maddy ♡
The Reunion Tower |
Cutest husband |
Prettiest view! |
Pot Stickers = heart eyes x10 |
When you order fish to eat and it comes out wanting to eat you instead. Looked at those TEETH. Eeeeeek. |
l |
Here is that ooey gooey goodness I was talking about. |
When there is only two... a doughnut will do. |
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